STC Spring Meeting

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STC Spring Meeting

Post by gvickery » Sat Feb 26, 2022 1:51 pm

STC Spring Tour

The Club have organised a Spring Tour in April, so now is the time to book if you want to come along.
It's a great chance to enjoy your cars along with some interesting attractions and eateries to drop into along the way.

The Sunbeam Tiger Club Spring Tour begins on the 22nd April
With only 2 months to go we have to start confirming numbers for the activities that are being planned. So don’t delay and book now or we may not be able to include you in everything.

Friday 22ndApril
Meeting at a local pub for lunch for those who want and are able to start early! Followed by a visit to the Aston Martin Heritage Trust.
At 4 pm there’s a Midsummer Murders guided walking tour around Thame that will last for around 1 ¼ to 1 ½ hours. The cost will be £8-£10 per head (depending on numbers). This is a private tour just for STC.
We are also still hoping to visit Ivan Dutton – the premier UK Bugatti restorer – but this would be strictly limited numbers and after they have finished work.
No formal dinner is planned but there are a number of restaurants locally covering all budgets and tastes, as well as the hotel restaurant itself. We’ll send out details of some selected restaurants so that people can book in advance. Unfortunately one of the nearest restaurants – Raymond Blanc’s Manoir au Quat’ Saisons – where dinner costs £250 per head (excluding wine and service) - is fully booked until June!
Saturday 23rdApril
2 drives of around 40 miles each showcasing the history and countryside. The runs have been mapped out and test driven. Depending on final numbers we’re planning on you having total flexibility and able to choose whether you want to do one, both or none of the runs and the order you do them in. The common factor is meeting up for lunch at The Hearing Dogs for the Deaf charity who have a very good cafeteria and ample parking.
On Saturday night there’s the gala dinner at the Hotel.
Sunday 24th April
This is Drive it Day and we’re suggesting a gentle run down to Henley on Thames (about 25-30 minutes drive) where there’s the option of an hours boat trip on the Thames at 12 noon at a cost of £15 per head (£10 for seniors). There are loads of restaurants in Henley and we’ll recommend a few.
In the afternoon we’ve arranged a tour of a Distillery that produces 7 different kinds of Gin (including a couple of award winning ones), 2 spiced rums and a vodka. The tour lasts about 1 ½ hours and includes a couple of drinks and sampling along the way. The tour itself got 64 5star reviews on Trip Advisor last year and is hosted by one of the founders. The cost is £20 per head and if you want transport there and back that is a further £10 each. The tour starts at 4pm so you will be back at the Hotel by 7pm at the latest.
We also intend to send you local information in advance with details of pubs, restaurants, petrol stations, and loads of other things to do (not car related!) and places to see.
Please book with the Hotel direct:-
Lambert Arms Hotel, Aston Rowant, Watlington, OX49 5SQ.
Phone 01844 351496, then 4 for the Events and Sales Manager, Megan Munro. If she doesn’t answer, send a message to for her to call you.
The hotel is accepting bookings with the code STOC250420BEDROOMS at the following rates:
Friday night: £75 Bed and Breakfast,
Saturday Night: £129 Dinner, Bed, Breakfast and Gala Dinner (Single Occupancy Room)
£149.00- Dinner, Bed, Breakfast and Gala Dinner (Double Occupancy Room)
Sunday Night: £75 Bed and Breakfast
Other nights may be added either end of the weekend at the room rate of £75.
Please could you advise the organisers on the emails below when you book the hotel and therefore confirm your intent to attend and which of the additional cost activities you would like to do ( Midsommer Murders walking tour, Henley boat trip and Gin distillery tour with/without transport).
Look forward to hearing from you.
The event organisers:
Bill Haxworth
Alex Walsh

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